What might a Precision Information Environment look like?  To answer this question, and to establish a conceptual prototype that can guide the PIE research community’s activities over the coming years, we’ve created a vision of the not-too-distant future for emergency management.

This concept video serves as an artifact to guide research and development over the next decade.  As you’ll see, a Precision Information Environment is not a single piece of technology — it’s a suite of interoperating capabilities that provide tailored access to information and decision support across the many users, roles and phases of emergency management.  Some of these capabilities are on the cusp of broad availability; others represent opportunities for long-term investment.

Take a look at one vision for the future, then view the annotated version that describes in detail each of the technology concepts you’ll see as well as the end user needs that motivated them and the research challenges that must be addressed to make them a reality.

Ready to learn more?

Open our annotated video browser to explore each of the technology concepts in detail:

Please note: For an optimal viewing experience, the PIE video preloads in its entirety before the annotated player begins. Depending on your download speeds, the loading time may be a minute or more. Thanks for your patience.


10 Responses to “VISION VIDEO”

  1. Dave Sandretto Says:

    Very nice,

  2. Precision Information Environments | Inventing Interactive Says:

    [...] outline of the current gaps and opportunities for their research. They have also posted a detailed annotated version of the video that details the underlying technology concepts. It’s a thoughtful and thorough [...]

  3. David Sonnen Says:

    There is a lot going on in this video. The vision is fascinating and seems achievable. Once Moore’s Law iterates a few more times and makes the devices affordable, this vision is feasible from a technical viewpoint. The organizational issues may take a bit longer.

    Thanks for the thought-provoking video.

  4. Josie Wiliams Says:

    This is incredible! This “is” a thought provoking video. Affortability to this type of technology is always an issue unfortunately.

  5. Shanna Tellerman Says:

    Fantastic work on this - opens the door to a lot of great innovation and a future that seems to be fast approaching!

  6. Thomas A. Capone Says:

    Fantastic. Every kid in HS should watch this. It is their future.

  7. DHS is pursuing the future of communication and computer interface design with PIE | Says:

    [...] for visiting!Watch this video to see the vision of DHS’s new research venture called the Precision Information Environment. Sure, it looks like what a first responder might look like in the movie I, Robot, but imagine the [...]

  8. Zukunftsvision des Notfallmanagements beim Waldbrand « Says:

    [...] Precisioninformation - VISION VIDEO Schlagwörter:Video [+] Share & Bookmark • Twitter • StumbleUpon • [...]

  9. Carol Dunn Says:

    That really is an exciting vision.

    Now is the time to be considering the needs of people with limited or no vision while creating tools for the future. As we rush forward to take advantage of ‘ipad’ style possibilities, worth noticing that they actually take tools away from individuals who until this moment found computer technology liberating. Now is the time to find ways to translate screen images into tactile representations so the technology will be accessbile as it is developed-and not just poorly developed, bug ridden ‘work around’ clumsily added later.

  10. elena rapisardi Says:

    It is a great video! envisage what it could be, and I think we are not so far from that scenario.
    the sad thing is that nowadays also twitter, or google latitude applied to emergency could be perceived as a something too profane.
    But I do believe that what you illustrate and propose is the right way to follow.
    Thank you!

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